Star Liana York - Kokopelli (II)
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Star York: Kokopelli, the humpbacked, feathered flute player, is one of the most intriguing and best known images in Anazasi (the "Ancient Ones") Indian mythology. Considered a symbol of fertility that brought well-being to the people, he was a healer, storyteller, knowledgeable teacher of new agricultural practices, weaving, carving, astronomy and spiritual understanding. Since his image started appearing in the symbolism on Anazasi artifacts around the time that corn (not native to the southwest), more refined weavings, and exotic bird feathers appeared as well, some theories are that he was likely a Toltec trader who came up from Mexico carrying these exotic treasures in his back pack. Not much evidence has remained of the Toltec culture, but through the Aztec writings we can piece together that the Toltecs were a culture of advanced knowledge that possessed deep spiritual understandings....true "artists of the spirit" as the Aztecs donned them. From this perspective, I have sculpted the character I would imagine Kokpelli to have been. Not only was he a keeper of the knowledge of his people, but he spread it like seeds throughout the American continent, fertilizing creative thought..... bringing abundance and wisdom.
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