About Us
About Mark Sublette Medicine Man Gallery
Since 1992, Medicine Man Gallery in Tucson, Arizona, has provided discerning collectors with the finest examples of antique and contemporary Native American art and fine Western art. The gallery specializes in the lifework of western artist Maynard Dixon (1875-1946), the Taos and Santa Fe artists colonies, and paintings and sculptures by renowned contemporary southwestern artists. We also carry an eclectic selection of fine modern Western art.
We are always looking to purchase fine art, antique Indian art, and vintage Native American Jewelry. If you have artwork you would like to sell please use our secure online form Sell Your Art. We purchase individual pieces and entire collections.
Meet Gallery Founder Dr. Mark Sublette, President/CEO

Dr. Mark Sublette is a former Naval physician and the founder (1992) of Medicine Man Gallery, based in Tucson, Arizona. He is a sought-after speaker on Western and Native art, the author of numerous catalogs in the field and is an authority on the artwork of Maynard Dixon. Sublette is a contributor to Western Art Collector magazine, Native American Art magazine and Canyon Road Arts. His latest book, Maynard Dixon's American West, is a seminal work on the artist's life, writings, and artwork.
Medicine Man Gallery houses some of the finest Native American, Early American and Western paintings. Mark has made the life work of western illustrator and artist Maynard Dixon a specialty. A museum housed inside the gallery is dedicated to the artist, with hundreds of original works and artifacts.

Mark also handles works of the Taos Society of Artists, along with contemporary fine art & sculpture, representing over 30 well-known contemporary artists and sculptors. The art ranges from the ethereal realism of Peter Nisbet paintings to the cubist works of Ed Mell to the western paintings by Cowboy Artists of America John Moyers and sculpture by Fred Fellows. Native Artists Mateo Romero and Shonto Begay are also represented.
Mark’s involvement in the arts is all-encompassing. He buys, sells, researches, educates, and has established a foundation for the arts. A constant student of the many areas he delves into, he is happy to pass along the knowledge; the delight in sharing his passion is evident as he speaks.
A Place For Art And Education
The Medicine Man Gallery YouTube channel has over a million views and has been a weekly educational show during the last 12 years, focusing primarily on Western and Native art. MedicineManGallery.com has become not only a place to purchase art but an important source for educational videos, identification of Native Arts and artist information.
The Art Dealer Diaries Podcast is in its fifth year and features over 200 interviews with unique individuals who curate, collect, create, write, sell, and deal in Western and Native art. Sublette is also the author of the Charles Bloom Murder Mystery series. Books in this series include Paint by Numbers, Kayenta Crossing, Hidden Canyon, Stone Men, The Butterfly Twins, Indian School Days, Guardian of the Cornfields and The Candy Man. Between the White Lines is Mark Sublette's stand-alone murder mystery. The photography featured in his novels is his other love, which he shares on his website at www.marksublette.com.
Next Generation
After 30 years in business, Mark is proud to welcome his son Charles Sublette to the gallery family.
An early photo of Charles Sublette sitting in a monumental Santo Domingo dough bowl at age three marks the beginning of a love for Native Arts. More than a dozen buying trips to August's Indian Market in Santa Fe helped expand his interest and found his own Native Arts Collection. Over time the small collection grew to encompass paintings when at age nine he horse traded John Moyers a stack of Christmas gift cards for an original oil that he still cherishes.
Summer vacations were spent at Medicine Man Gallery on Canyon Road where Charles learned the gallery business from the ground up. One could say Charles has always been in the art business, but officially joined our gallery full time in 2021.
In his free time when not visiting museums or reading art books, Charles enjoys exploring the outdoors hiking and camping. “He says he natural beauty of the West is intimately tied to the art that inspires me”.
Charles takes great pride in continuing his family’s 30 plus year tradition of showcasing the finest in Western and Native artwork and looks forward to meeting clients and artists engaging in thoughtful conversations regarding art. Charles works most days and can be found roaming the gallery in search of new ideas and inspiration for the future growth of the place he calls home.
Mark Sublette Biography
- Charlie Russell Museum Heritage Award Recipient 2022
- Best Western Art Gallery, True West Magazine, 2022, 2023
- Tucson Museum of Art Ambassador Circle Lifetime Achievement Award 2021
Selected Television / Radio / Publication Interviews by Mark Sublette
- Art Dealer Diaries Podcast, Mark Sublette , Ongoing– Over 200 Episodes
- American Art Collective Podcast: Episode 68 - Mark Sublette
- "Silver and Gold" Mark Sublette Collection Signature Jewelry, Western Art Collector, December 2020
- Maynard Dixon Along the Distant Mesa, Arizona Highways, September 2020
- Maynard Dixon Along the Distant Mesa, Cowboys & Indians, April 2020
- Maynard Dixon Along the Distant Mesa, Antiques and the Arts, March 2020
- Maynard Dixon: Along the Distant Mesa, Forbes.com March 2019
- Along the Distant Mesa: An Homage to Maynard Dixon, Western Art Collector March 2019
- Western Art Collector magazine, August 2018 "Art Dealer Diaries: On the Air"
- Radio Podcast - Big Bend Radio Show, February 2, 2018
- Native American Art magazine, December 2017/January 2018, "Eternally Blooming"
- Native American Art magazine, December 2017/January 2018, "Makers of Silver"
- Radio Podcast - The Richard Eeds Show, August 8, 2017, SantaFe.com, "John Morris and Mark Sublette on Objects of Art Show"
- New Mexico PBS ‘Los Colores: Homage to the Square' August 2017
- Art Expert on Strange Inheritance "Desert Treasure", April 6, 2017
- KRQE News Interview August 8, 2016, Garry Shandling's art collection
- Albuquerque Journal, August 9, 2016 "Garry Shandling Collection Highlights Art Santa Fe Show"
- WhereTraveler.com, 2016 Navajo Weavings
- Forbes Life, June 24, 2013, From Navajo Blankets to Yokuts Baskets, American Tribal Art Reaches New Heights at Auction, includes a quote by Dr. Mark Sublette.
- Western Art and Architecture "Redefining What's Real: Artist Ed Mell captures Southwestern features in a way that has become as iconic as the landscapes themselves" February/March 2012
- Maynard Dixon 1875-1946, Friends of Indian Art, Museum of Indian Arts and Culture Santa Fe Thursday, July 21st, 2011 Coordinators Lynda Shoemaker and Bob Reddington
- Museum of the Red River, Idabel Oklahoma May 2011 Keynote Speaker: How to Collect
- Bill Buckmaster Show KJLL AM Art Commentator 2011
- Cosmo Space of America Co. Ltd New York, NY "Sekai Mizu Kiko" Santa Fe December 2010 Featured on The Japanese Travel Channel
- Antique Trader, September 8, 2010, Apache Baskets: Collector strive to preserve a ‘dying art'
- Consulting on Art Purchases Makes Sense by Gillian Drummond, Arizona Daily Star, April 2010
- Capturing a Bygone Era: California artist Dennis Ziemienski paints images of earlier times by Bonnie Gangelhoff, Southwest Art, April 2010
- Where Guestbook Tucson, 2009-2010, Native Art, Kimberly Hundley
- Arizona Illustrated, KUAT –TV (PBS) Geronimo Remembered, February 2009
- Zara Larsen Show, Circles of Change, From Dr. To Art Dealer, AM 1330, February 5, 2009
- Arizona Illustrated, A Place of Refuge, Maynard Dixon's Arizona TMA, October 2008
- Western Art and Architecture, Winter / Spring 2008, The Lens of History, Audrey Hall Page 122
- Speaker 100th Anniversary Tucson Railroad Depot Dedication, December 2007
- Emily Drabanski, Hello New Mexico Radio Show, July 5, 2007
- Patricia Gallinek, photojournalist Global Healthcare, May 2007
- CNN, Art Dealer and Osteoarthritis, May 2007 New York
- Documentary Maynard Dixon, Jane McKay, Premiere at the Pasadena Museum of California Art, May 2007
- Documentary, Maynard Dixon To the Desert Again, PBS KUED 2006 / 2007
- National Television series in production, host Dr. J. Mark Sublette, 2007
- The Randee Garsee Show, Tucson Arizona, 2007
- Oakland Museum of Art – Maynard Dixon, February 2005
- Tucson Guide Quarterly, Tohono O'odam Basketry, November 2004
- Minneapolis Institute of Art, November 2004
- Western Interior Design, Wolf Schneider, April 2004
- Latin American Art Patrons, April 2004
- Arizona Illustrated, KUAT-TV (PBS) and KOLD 13 (CBS), March 2004, Subject: Artists of the Grand Canyon
- Art Talk, Spotlight, February 2004
- Southwest Art Magazine, Collecting Native Art, February / March 2004
- Arizona Biltmore 75th Anniversary Maynard Dixon Show, Lecture & National Advertising Campaign, November 2003
- Hi Culture & Lifestyle Magazine, Washington, DC, 2003
- Sunset Magazine, Art in Arizona, 2003
- Santa Fean Magazine, Profile Mark Sublette, June 2003
- Western Interiors and Design Magazine, Premier Issue /Gallery Profile, May 2003
- Desert Leaf, Profile of an Art Dealer, February 2003
- New Mexico Magazine, 2003, Art Dealer Profile
- KOLD(CBS), Channel 13, Morning Business Report, February 2003, Two Episodes
- Arizona Illustrated, KUAT-TV (PBS) and KOLD 13(CBS), November 2002, subject: Ed Mell Desert Flora
- Arizona Illustrated, KUAT-TV (PBS) and KOLD 13 (CBS) December 2002, Subject: Weavings of the Dineh
- Natural Health, Magazine, October 2002, Arthritis
- Tucson Guide Quarterly, Vol. 20, Number 4, 2002, Profile Mark Sublette Art Dealer
- New Mexico Business Journal, August 2002, Great American Turquoise Makes a Big Comeback
- Tucson Lifestyle Magazine, 2002, Business Close-up
- Southwest Art Magazine, Art Update, May 2002
- Cowboys and Indians Magazine, Art Update, June 2002
- Arizona Illustrated, KUAT-TV (PBS) February 2002, Subject: The Museum of the West
- Arizona Illustrated, KUAT-TV (PBS) and KOLD 13 (CBS) Michael Blake, The Holy Road (sequel to Dances with Wolves)
- Arizona Illustrated, KUAT-TV (PBS), January 2002, Commentary Antique Road Show Tucson Episode, Chiefs Blankets
- Discovery Channel, Arthritis, Voice Commentary, 2002
- Arizona Daily Star, Profile of an Art Dealer, February 25, 2001
- KOLD, (CBS), Channel 13, February 2001, Morning Business Report
- Lynette Jennings, Design, Discovery Channel, September 2000; Antique Native American basketry
- KOLD, (CBS), November 1999, Antique Indian art and western paintings
- "Remembering Maynard Dixon", Southwest Art, October 1999
- "Successful gallery owner grew up in Portales", Portales News-Tribune, August 1999
- Art Talk, Profile J. Mark Sublette, 1999
- Arizona Illustrated, KUAT-TV (PBS), November 1998; Maynard Dixon
- Radio broadcast (live interview), August 1998; Maria Martinez pottery
- Arizona Illustrated, KUAT-TV (PBS), November 1997; Contemporary Western art
- "Lifestyle Profile", Tucson Lifestyle, 1997
- Arizona Illustrated, KUAT-TV (PBS), November 1996; Maynard Dixon Selected Publications
- "Business Close-Up", Tucson Lifestyle, April 1995
Features About or Written By Mark Sublette
- "Collector's Eye: Jack of All Trades" Western Art & Architecture, Dec 2021/Jan 2022
- "Step by Step: The art of Collecting Antique Navajo Weavings" Western Art Collector, October 2021
- Gallery Owners Win TMA’s 2021 Ambassador Circle Lifetime Achievement Award, Tucson Weekly, March 2021
- Long-Running Fairs Focused on African, Oceanic, and Indigenous Art Move Online, Artnews.com, February 2021
- "Leadership Circle Lecture Series: Joseph Albers and Navajo Textiles by Dr. Mark Sublette" Tucson Museum of Art, May 8, 2019
- Maynard Dixon: Along the Distant Mesa" Artnet.com, April 2019
- "Woven Legacies: Native American Baskets" Auction Central News, March 2018
- "Deciphering Katsina: How to Identify Vintage Katsina Dolls" by Mark Sublette, Native American Art magazine, February / March 2018
- "Calling Coast to Coast" Gallery featured in Western Art Collector, December 2017
- "Collecting Navajo Rugs" featured in Native American Art magazine, April. 2017
- "Paint by Numbers: A Charles Bloom Murder Mystery" by Mark Sublette available on Audible 2017
- "Traveling by Cloth: Beautiful Textiles From Around the World", Where Traveler, by Jamie Lowe, 2016
- "The History of Maria Martinez Pottery, August/September 2016 Native American Art magazine"
- "Navajo Chief's Blankets" August 2016 Western Art Collector magazine
- "Under the Rainbow: Navajo Germantown Weavings", June/July 2016 Native American Art magazine
- "New Mexico Artistry" July 2016, Western Art Collector magazine
- Suite of the Charles Bloom Murder Mystery series featured in Native Peoples magazine, May/June 2016 to include, "Paint by Numbers," "Kayenta Crossing," "Hidden Canyon," "Stone Men," "The Butterfly Twins," and "Between the White Lines"
- Suite of the Charles Bloom Murder Mystery series featured in Western Art Collector, May 2016 to include, "Paint by Numbers," "Kayenta Crossing," "Hidden Canyon," "Stone Men," "The Butterfly Twins," and "Between the White Lines"
- "Between the White Lines" novel by Mark Sublette, National Museum of the American Indian, Fall 2015
- "Between the White Lines" novel by Mark Sublette, Western Art Collector, August 2015
- "Between the White Lines" novel by Mark Sublette, Southwest Art, August 2015
- "Family Affair" article by Mark Sublette in Western Art Collector, August 2014
- "Simplicity of Design" article by Mark Sublette in Western Art Collector, July 2014
- "Stone Men" featured in Santa Fe New Mexican Pasatiempo, August 1, 2014
- "Stone Men" featured in Santa Fean magazine, August 2014
- "Stone Men" featured in Smithsonian National Magazine of the American Indian, Summer 2014
- "Stone Men" featured in Southwest Art magazine, August 2014
- "Stone Men" featured in Western Art Collector magazine, August 2014
- "Stone Men" featured in Native Peoples Magazine, July 2014
- "Hidden Canyon" featured in Smithsonian National Magazine of the American Indian, Winter 2013-14
- "Hidden Canyon" featured in Western Art Collector, January 2014
- "Hidden Canyon" featured in Western Art Collector, December 2013
- "Hidden Canyon" featured in Native Peoples magazine, January/February 2014
- "Kayenta Crossing" novel by Mark Sublette featured in Santa Fean, August-September 2013
- "Kayenta Crossing" novel by Mark Sublette featured in Western Art Collector, May 2013
- "Savvy Collectors appreciate Paint by Numbers" The Savvy Collector Blog, November 27, 2012
- ABQJournal Online, August 12, 2012, "Book follows Natives' place in the Market"
- InVogue, September/October 2012, Custom Furniture
- "Paint by Numbers" novel by Mark Sublette, National Museum of the American Indian, Fall 2012
- "Paint by Numbers" novel by Mark Sublette, Canyon Road Arts, 2012-2013
- "Paint by Numbers" novel by Mark Sublette, Pasatiempo, August 10, 2012
- "Paint by Numbers" novel by Mark Sublette featured on CowboysIndians.com, July-August 2012
- "Paint by Numbers" novel by Mark Sublette featured in Western Art Collector magazine, August 2012
- "Paint by Numbers" novel by Mark Sublette featured in Western Art and Architecture magazine, August/September 2012
- "Paint by Numbers" novel by Mark Sublette featured in Southwest Art magazine, August 2012
- "Paint by Numbers" novel by Mark Sublette featured in Southwest Art magazine, July 2012
- "Shadows and Light: Josh Elliott paints with a unique sense of each landscape he tackles" by Michele Corriel, Big Sky Journal, ARTS 2012
- "Exuberance of Spirit: Louisa McElwain matches her expressive style to the rhythms of the western land and sky" by Gussie Fauntleroy, Western Art and Architecture magazine, June/July 2012
- "Historic Roots: Historic Native American art illustrates how the past is seamlessly woven into the present" written by Dr. Mark Sublette, Western Art Collector, February 2012
- Western Art Collector "Toadlena: A Trading Post Visited" November 2011
- Hand Eye Magazine, "Chiefs Blankets of the Navajo" Winter 2011
- Southwest Art Magazine "Magnificent Obsession" October 2011
- Vogue.com, "Go Straight to the Source: Shop American Classics inspired by the Fall Collections" by Chioma Nnadi, 2011
- Western Art Collector, ArtUFind, June 2011
- Arizona Daily Star, View, "Purchase Rare Navajo Blankets," May 12, 2011
- Southwest Art, "40 Prominent People," May 2011
- Western Art Collector, "Ed Mell: A Western Original," February 2010
- Art and Antiques, Land of Enchantment, Summer 2009
- Cowboys and Indians, Navajo Saddle Blankets, online and magazine feature, 2009
- Western Art Collector, At the Crossroads, August 2009
- Western Art Collector, Making History, July 2009
- Western Art Collector: Historic Trading Posts of the West, March 2009
- Western Art Collector: Mark Sublette Interview Geronimo Remembered, February 2009
- Tucson Lifestyle, Geronimo Remembered: Mark Sublette Medicine Man Gallery, February 2009
- Luxe Magazine Volume 1 Issue II, Interview Dr Mark Sublette: Style Makers, p 119
- Maynard Dixon Nvorczk, Modernist Paintings 1917-1934 Book, October 2008
- Western Art Collector, Maynard Dixon's Nvorczk: The Other Side of Dixon, October 2008
- Cowboys and Indians, September 2008, Collectors Guide on Kachina Dolls
- Western Art Collector, July 2008 Native American Jewelry: How to Collect
- Western Art Collector, Aug 2008 Native American Jewelry Part II: Starting your Collection
- Tucson Guide Tucson's Western Art Galleries and Museums Fall issue, September - November 2008
- Canyon Road Arts: The Complete Visitor's Guide to Arts, Dining, and Santa Fe Lifestyle, 2005 to the present
- Arizona Daily Star, It Can Be Done, Blending Art Genres, Sunday May 4, 2008
- Western Art & Architecture, Perspective Maynard Dixon, Spring / Summer 2008 Vol. 2 / No. 2
- Western Art Collector, How to Collect Navajo Textiles Part Two, March 2008
- Western Art Collector, How to Collect Navajo Textiles Part One, February 2008
- Western Interior Design, Navajo Textile Gallery Feature, August / September 2007 p.154
- Phoenix Home and Garden: Navajo Textiles, July 2007
- New Mexico Magazine, July 2007, Feature Article Spanish Market
- Cowboys & Indians Magazine: How to Collect Navajo Textiles, June 2007 pp 86-87
- Maynard Dixon's New Mexico, 1875-1946: Canyon Road Arts; 2007
- Arizona: A Millenium of Art, March 2007
- Maynard Dixon's Thirties: Canyon Road Arts; 2006
- Maynard Dixon, 1875-1946: Canyon Road Arts; Visitors Guide to: Arts, Dining, and the Santa Fe Lifestyle, 2005
- Glenn Dean: The Vanishing West Catalog, November 2004
- Ed Mell, Desert Flora, published by Medicine Man Gallery, Inc. 2002
- Shades of Gray: The Drawings of Maynard Dixon; 2001, Online Catalog
- The Weaver's Canvas: An Exhibit of Historic Navajo Landscape Textiles; published by Medicine Man Gallery, Inc., 1999
- Mesas, Mountains, and Man: The Western Vision of Maynard Dixon; published by Medicine Man Gallery, 1998
- Weavings for the Children: An Exhibit of Early Navajo Child and Adolescent Wearing Blankets; published by Medicine Man Gallery, Inc., 1998
- "Wellness Programs: An Untapped Resource?" JOM 5:51-53, 1991
Mark Sublette's Other Recognitions
- 2022 C.M Russell Heritage Award For Art History
- Maynard Dixon's American West Lecture "Western Spirit Scottsdale's Museum of the West" April 2019
- Lecturer "Review of Western Holdings" Tucson Museum of Art, May 2018
- Presenter at University of Arizona Art Department Howard Post Alumni Award, January 2018
- Presenter Navajo Textile Study Group, January 2018
- Awards Juror and Symposium Speaker "American Women Artists" November 2017
- "Homage to the Square: Navajo Masterpieces 1860-1950" Lecture and Exhibition by Mark Sublette, El Museo de Cultural, Santa Fe, NM August 2017
- 2017, Advisory Board of Art Collectors Foundation
- Maynard Dixon "Beyond the Clouds" Lecture, Desert Caballeros Western Art Museum, February 9, 2017
- Maynard Dixon "American West" Lecture, Desert Caballeros Western Art Museum, December 7-8, 2016
- April 2015 - Lexture on Navajo weavings, Palm Springs Art Museum, CA
- Winner 2015 Pitch Fest Tucson, for a scripted TV show, murder mystery.
- Jan 24 ,2015 Mark Sublette Lecture US Embassy Santiago, Chile: Native American Art, Navajo Textiles
- 2015 Yuma Southwestern Invitational Photographic Exhibition: One of 100 Artists Selected for Exhibition
- Under the Desert Stars exhibit, Tubac Center of the Arts, Tubac, AZ, October 2014
- Photography published in Art of the West, March / April 2014 issue, pages 58 and 82, in an article on Glenn Dean and in an advertisement for Altamira Fine Art
- Presenter Arizona State Museum "Murder and Mayhem" novels by Mark Sublette, April 3, 2014
- Judge for Plein Air Salon, June 2013
- Presenter "Paint by Numbers novel and the Navajo Nation" 2012
- Photograph "Nasazi View" by Mark Sublette is in the collection of the Tucson Museum of Art and the Booth Western Art Museum.
- Bill Buckmaster Show, Arts and Culture Reporter, KVOI AM 1030 Tucson, 2011 to present
- Judge, SWAIA Santa Fe Indian Market, August 21-22, 2009
- Judge, Grand Canyon: Celebration of Art, September 14-19, 2009