Romero, Mateo

Contemporary Cochiti Pueblo painter Mateo Romero is an internationally known artist. Mateo attended Dartmouth College and studied with acclaimed artists Ben Frank Moss and Varujan Boghosian. He received an MFA in printmaking from the University of New Mexico. Mateo is an award-winning artist who has exhibited internationally in Canada and in the United States. He is a former Dubin Fellow in painting at the School of American Research in Santa Fe, NM.  In 2019 Romero received the Native treasures Living Treasures Award from the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He paints in his studio at the Poeh Cultural Center and lives in Pojoaque Pueblo with his wife, Melissa, and their children Erik, Povi, Rain and River.
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Mateo Romero New Paintings 2022 | Artist Insights

Mateo Romero New Paintings 2022 | Artist Insights

Mateo Romero: Artist and Native American Advocate - Epi. 112, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

Mateo Romero: Artist and Native American Advocate - Epi. 112, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

He is a fantastic painter and interesting individual and this interview is one of the more unique podcasts I've had the pleasure to record. On the Art Dealer Diaries, we generally talk about art but with Mateo we gravitated to the topic of the current racial divide in the United States. We also spoke at length about Mateo's artistic process and the life experiences/academia that got him where he is today.