Oil Paintings

Maynard Dixon oil paintings for sale can be found at Medicine Man Gallery. We are always looking to purchase important Maynard Dixon paintings and ephemera for the Maynard Dixon Museum.
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Maynard Dixon's Paintings of Tucson, Arizona

Maynard Dixon's Paintings of Tucson, Arizona

Maynard Dixon's American West - Opening Remarks from Dr. Mark Sublette

Maynard Dixon's American West - Opening Remarks from Dr. Mark Sublette

How to Identify a Fake Maynard Dixon Drawing by the Pencil Strokes

How to Identify a Fake Maynard Dixon Drawing by the Pencil Strokes

Maynard Dixon Drawings and Paintings: How to Identify an Authentic Signature

Maynard Dixon Drawings and Paintings: How to Identify an Authentic Signature

How NOT to Identify a Painting by its Signature Part 2: Maynard Dixon with Dr. Mark Sublette

How NOT to Identify a Painting by its Signature Part 2: Maynard Dixon with Dr. Mark Sublette