Haskell, William

Nestled in a high desert terrain, the regional landscapes and villages of the West inspire artist William Haskell to create exquisite dry-brush watercolor and acrylic works as well as these contemporary jewelry pieces, which reflect his passion for this unique and diversified landscape. Weathered adobe structures are drenched in a crisp white light beneath Western mountain ranges, mesas and prairie lands in many of Haskell’s colorful paintings. His focus on detail in his work goes beyond mere description of subject and draws the viewer into the painting for a more intimate connection with everyday forms and a sense of place. With the use of dry brush techniques, he is able to take watercolor or acrylic to a different level by working as translucently or opaquely as needed.
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William Haskell: Contemporary Landscape Painter - Epi. 129, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

William Haskell: Contemporary Landscape Painter - Epi. 129, Host Dr. Mark Sublette

We talk about what's to come for William as well as the wisdom he has for other artists struggling to break into the art world. I'm thrilled to also represent William Haskell who has a unique sensibility and style that no one else really paints. I think you'll find this podcast to be especially interesting if you're an artist trying to break into the field but have yet to take that jump- that leap of faith yet. William Haskell took it and if you listen to this podcast, maybe it will encourage you to do the same.