Borcherdt, Fred

"The relationship of form to function as exemplified in old worn tools is a characteristic I use to impart a feeling of age as well as utility. Another evolving idea is a feeling of spiritual continuity in making a wood sculpture by starting with a tree, or making a stone sculpture starting a rock strewn riverbed or quarry cliff-face. This feeling carries over to the scrap yards where I find steel that had another life. Most of my works are autobiographical—a means of recording personal feelings and experiences as objects that are intuitively composed.” - Fred Borcherdt
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Fred Borcherdt: Modern Sculptor - Epi 96. Host Dr. Mark Sublette

Fred Borcherdt: Modern Sculptor - Epi 96. Host Dr. Mark Sublette

Fred speaks on what it's like to be a sculptor that works with very difficult and unforgiving mediums such as steel, hardwoods, and stone, what life can be if you dedicate yourself and focused energy to your creative side, and what it's like being artist hitting 80 years of age and where his art will go from here. An interesting look at Tucson in the 1970s and building his home above Ventana Canyon.